So, it really has been a few months. August if I'm not mistaken? I've been busy. School is well under way and fully kicking my ass. I've been rendered nearly useless regarding any non-work, non-school endeavours! Boo-fucking-hoo.
I suppose this brings us to the present. Today officially starts my first day as Blue State Coffee's Coffee Trainer for New Haven. A small achievement, but an achievement non-the-less. I passed the 2.0 Barista Certification and now get to spend my Fridays honing my skills and helping others perfect theirs! So thanks in advance for the congrats and gifts. I wear a medium.
I have also been bringing in some new coffees recently. We have a new edition to the Sidamo family. The Guji Triple Sort! It's pretty fucking rad. It's a natural process, which means it's sorted by hand. The sorting process is a whole lot more picky as well. Hence the triple sort! Seriously, the process requires a more rigorous sorting process. The cherries are all supposed to be bright and at the peak of ripeness to ensure a consistent, even flavor throughout all roast profiles. Ours comes in as a city roast and certainly lives up to the standards the sorting process requires. We have also been privelaged enough to have one of the best coffees to come out of this years Cup of Excellence qualifiers. Honduras Finca Las Amazonas is one of the most dynamic coffees we've had on at Blue State. So fruity. Really fruity. Really fucking fruity. Clean cup, nice body, and lots and lots of fruit notes. So many it's rather difficult to pick one from another. Notables include- lime, mango, banana, red cherry! Cup this coffee! If you have access to it that is.
I have more, but I'm saving them!
On a side note, the world famous Colombia Don Telmo is back! My favorite coffee. Hands down.
Hope all is well. Happy Turkey Day and all the shit. Dry your portafilters!